Course Description
Course Name: U.S. History
Subject: Social Studies
Course Number: 2100310
Credit Earned: 1.0 credit
Prerequisites: English I and English II
Course description: Become a participant in resolving controversy in U.S. History and see how history and literature connect. Read the perspectives of people who lived during the time, visit interesting websites, and become a creative participant in the history and literature of America. This course has two purposes: (1) To gain broad knowledge of the American nation by focusing on political, cultural and economic factors that have influenced the events over the past 500 years in North America; (2) To acquire investigative skills necessary to evaluate a wide range of circumstances, synthesize effective solutions to problems, and evaluate outcomes.
Scope & Sequence:
Module 1: Law School
Course Information and Motif, Progress Chart, Course Outline, Pace Overview, Geography, Analyzing Primary vs. Secondary Sources
Module 2: Review of Early Americans
Age of Discovery, Comparing Northern and Southern Colonies, Interpreting the Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Independence Discussion, Revolutionary War Review, Revolutionary War Letter, Constitutional Convention, The New Nation Emerges
Module 3: Slavery in America
Reviewing the Evidence, The Politics of Slavery, Slave Diaries, The Courtroom: Does Slavery Still Exist
Module 4: Preserving the Union vs. Preserving a Way of Life
The Civil War, The Confederate View, The Union View, Medical Conditions, Freedom Discussion, Battlefield Project, How Were the Freed Slaves Supposed to be Treated by Law?, How Were the Freed Slaves Really Treated?
Module 5: Civil Wrongs vs. Civil Rights
Voir Dire Opinionnaire, Creating Jim Crow, 14th Amendment: You Be The Judge, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, Asserting Rights: A Lesson in Non-Violent Protests, Asserting Rights: We Shall Overcome, Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement
Module 6: Manifest Destiny vs. American Imperialism: The West
Analyzing Primary Source Documents, Investigating the Concept of Manifest Destiny, Myth vs. Reality- Cowboys of the Old West, Dream vs, Reality- Prospecting for Gold, Settlers vs. Cowboys and Indians
Module 7: Industrial Revolution
Introduction to the Industrial Revolution, Immigration, The Populist Movement, The Sherman Antitrust Act, Multicultural Influences
Module 8: The New Era: The 1920s
America in Harlem: The Harlem Renaissance, Modernism and the 1920s, Laws and Trials of the 1920s, Equal Justice For All: 19th Amendment, Trials of the 1920s: Discussion
Module 9: World Alliance vs. World Chaos
Emerging World Power, "The Great War," The Great Depression, World War II, The Cold War Begins, The Korean War, The 1950s, The Vietnam War and More
Module 10: The Recent Past
The 1970s, The 1980s, The 1990s, The New Millennium, The Presidents
The foundation for this course is the Florida Sunshine State Standards and the American History course description. Primary objectives are:
*Students will gain an appreciation of the American Nation, including but not limited to the various cultures and literary traditions associated with those cultures.
*Students will use historical and literary knowledge to demonstrate creative thinking and problem solving skills of current issues.
*Students will demonstrate how political and economic events of the past have shaped and defined America today.