Course Description
Course Name: English I
Subject: Language Arts
Course Number: 1001310
Credit Earned: 1.0 credit
Prerequisites: None
Course description: What can you see? Somebody (your teacher) really wants to know. This is one course in which what you see and what you say really matters.
No two people experience books, plays, or community events in exactly the same way, and no two people describe their experiences with the same words. How clearly can you see what is happening before you? How compellingly can you describe what you saw to others? In this course, you will find out.
Great books, short stories, poems and plays convey messages and feelings that make them great. In this course, you will learn how to look for the message. You will learn how to trust your feelings about that message. And you will learn how to express clearly and convincingly what you think. The purpose of this course is to give you the tools to see and hear with real understanding, and to communicate with real conviction.
Scope & Sequence:
Module 1: Foresight
Course Introductions
Module 2: Set Your Sights on Writing
Essay Writing
Module 3: Look Through Literature's Kaleidoscope: The Novel
Novels and Their Elements
Module 4: Feast Your Eyes on Fiction: The Short Story
Short Stories and Their Elements
Module 5: Seeing is Believing: Nonfiction
Nonfiction Elements and Examples
Module 6: Perception is Poetry's Reality
Poetry Elements, Formats, and Examples
Module 7: Peep Behind Drama's Curtain
Drama Elements, Plays, and Examples
Module 8: Community and Global Views
Course Review